Chrome does NOT allow video to seek to position

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Chrome does NOT allow video to seek to position

Postby Clifton » Tue Feb 06, 2018 7:22 pm

Please note this is a documented Chrome bug!

WHY does this happen?
Chrome does not allow seeking on video files which have not been completely downloaded. If you try to seek using the video progress bar or other functions in the PowerPac, Chrome will fail to respond as expected and start the video from the beginning. This occurs because Chrome cannot seek during video buffering. Google is aware of this problem, but has yet to fix it; at least at the time of making this post. Firefox and Edge do not exhibit this behavior, but those which leverage the Chromium/Blink engine do.

Is there a solution?
Thankfully, YES! The issue is to ensure your Apache web server is set to Accept-Ranges in files.
The process of setting this up requires modifying the .htaccess file on your site. The file is usually located in the public web root.

Here is the code to add:
<FilesMatch "\*.(mp4|ogv|wav|mp3|ogg|mov|webm)$">
Header set Accept-Ranges bytes

Your site may not exhibit this issue if it is already set up to Accept-Ranges. The fix described here is only for Linux/Apache servers. It seems a Windows server already defaults to using this setting.

A note about the PowerPac server
The server included with the PowerPac is not able to Accept-Ranges, so Chrome browsers will not perform as expected until you upload your content to a Web server.
Hope this helps anyone who may be experiencing this problem! I know the Web server (host) that I'm using benefited from this fix, expecially if you are using a CDN in addition.
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