1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  3     It shows the procedure for specifying table configuration and how to 
  4     enter table row/cell HTML
  6       http://pgsoftwaretools.com/powerpac/assessments/sethtmltable-xml
  8       http://pgsoftwaretools.com/powerpac/assessments/sethtmltable-xml/SOURCE.zip-->
  9 <page>
 10    <config>
 11       <!--Config sections allowed just like standard XML documents.
 12           If not used, just leave the <config></config> tags with
 13           no data or sub-tags.-->
 14    </config>
 16    <my_csv_data>
 17       <function name="populateTable" event="user" params="evt,value" useTB="true">
 18          <![CDATA[
 19             /* Pass the CSV raw data to this user event
 20                Trigger the user event with button click, etc. 
 21             ***/
 22             if (!!value == false) return; //Stop if no data exists
 24             var data, i, p, vals, cellID;
 25             data = tbfunction_pgSplitToArray(value, "\n"); //data = array of rows
 26             data = tbfunction_pgSort_Shuffle(data, false, true, 0, false, 'array'); //Remove empty rows
 28             //Traverse the rows of data and put them in the table
 29             for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
 30                vals = tbfunction_pgSplitToArray(data[i], ",", true); //vals = array of values for cell data
 31                for (p = 1; p < vals.length; p++) {
 32                   if (i == 0) {
 33                      //First row is column data
 34                      cellID = 'c' + p + '_myTableHdr';
 35                      tbfunction_pgSetTableDataCell(cellID, vals[p]);
 36                   } else {
 37                      //Table data processing
 38                      cellID = 'r' + i + 'c' + p + '_myTableData';
 39                      tbfunction_pgSetTableDataCell(cellID, vals[p]);
 40                   }
 41                }              
 42             }
 43          ]]>
 44       </function>
 45    </my_csv_data>
 47    <!--Table tags are sub-sections of XML configurations with HTML cell data
 48        You can have multiple table tags in your XML document, however it is 
 49          much easier to manage and troubleshoot tables if they are in 
 50          separate XML documents.
 51        NOTE: An XML document include only the <table> ... </table> section 
 52              and none of the previous sections described above.-->
 53    <table>
 54       <!--Tables MUST begin with a config section-->
 55       <config>
 57             hdr_name       = name of ToolBook object or container to use for column headings
 58                              (Recommendation: use an empty field; avoid spaces in names)
 59             dat_name       = name of ToolBook object or container to use for table data
 60                              (Recommendation: use an empty field; avoid spaces in names)
 61             id             = unique id of table or leave empty (avoid spaces in id)
 62                              Defaults to [dat_name] and is the name of ToolBook object 
 63                              that should receive user events when a row/cell is clicked
 64             columns        = comma-separated list of column sizes as pixels or as 
 65                              percentages (totalling 100%);
 66                              NOTE: to float the last column enter * (asterisk)
 67                              RECOMMENDATIONS: Use pixels for all but the last column:
 68                                  Example:     60px,144px,60px,*
 69                                  Percentages work fine if data rows will not span columns
 70                                  using the attribute colspan="#"
 71             stylesheet     = [path]/[filename].css for table stylesheet (required)
 72                              Please see our css table template file for help in building 
 73                              your css table stylesheet.
 74             class_hd       = string as class name referenced in stylesheet to use when 
 75                              styling the header part of table. See [hdr_name].
 76             class_data     = string as class name referenced in stylesheet to use when 
 77                              styling the data portion of table. See [dat_name].
 78             scroll         = true | false
 79                              Indicates whether data portion of table is scrollable;
 80                              NOTE: Header portion is always fixed.
 81             row_highlight  = true | false
 82                              Determines whether rows will highlight when clicked. 
 83                              If true, then following class definitions will be applied 
 84                              to table rows if defined in the [stylesheet].
 85             row_shade      = string as class name referenced in stylesheet to use 
 86                              for shaded row styling
 87                              NOTE: Requires setting [row_shade_apply] to "odd" or "even"
 88             row_hover      = string as class name referenced in stylesheet to use 
 89                              for row hover styling (mouseover row)
 90             row_select     = string as class name referenced in stylesheet to use 
 91                              for selected (clicked) row styling
 92             row_shade_apply= none | odd | even
 93                              Indicates how to start applying shading to alternating rows 
 94                              in table; defaults to "none" or no shading
 95             cell_highlight = true | false
 96                              Indicates whether cells will highlight when clicked;
 97                              If true then the following classes will be applied to cells
 98                              NOTE: <td id="myCellx"> ... </td> attribute id must also be 
 99                                    defined for each cell that requires cell highlighting.
100                                    Value of id determines the [value] property sent with 
101                                    user even to object whose name is [dat_name].
102             cell_hover     = string as class name referenced in table stylesheet for 
103                              when mouse hovers over table cell;
104                              Defaults to no class or no change on hover. 
105                              If cell_highlight = true, then the default value for [cell_hover] 
106                              equals the class name "tdListHover" (make sure it is defined in stylesheet).
107             cell_click     = string as class name referenced in table stylesheet for 
108                              table cell when clicked;
109                              Defaults to no class or no change on click; 
110                              If [cell_highlight] = true, then the default value for [cell_click] 
111                              equals the class name "tdListSelect" (make it is defined in stylesheet).
112             pgStyleObject  = (optional)
113                              [ 'tbName', 'theStyle', 'styleValues' ] where:
114                                  tbName defaults to [dat_name] and represents the styling 
115                                     that should be applied to tbName when table loading has finished.
116                                  NOTE: Requires comma-separated list of strings in brackets as shown 
117                                        in this example:
118                                        <pgStyleObject>
119                                           <![[CDATA[
120                                              [ 'myTable', 'border', '2px solid black' ]
121                                           ]]>
122                                        </pgStyleObject>
123                                        This config entry may be used multiple times to style other 
124                                           table-related objects. For example, the [hdr_name] can be 
125                                           styled separately from [dat_name].
126                                  NOTE: Most of the time, special styling can/should always be contained 
127                                        in the stylesheet. It is easier to manage styles at that level.
130          <hdr_name>myTableHdr</hdr_name>
131          <dat_name>myTableData</dat_name>
132          <id>myTableData</id>
133          <columns>
134             50%,*
135          </columns>
136          <stylesheet>
137             ../media/myTable.css
138          </stylesheet>
139          <class_hd>dlisthd</class_hd>
140          <class_data>dlist</class_data>
141          <scroll>true</scroll>
142          <row_highlight>true</row_highlight>
143          <row_shade>dlistShade</row_shade>
144          <row_hover>dlistHover</row_hover>
145          <row_select>dlistSel</row_select>
146          <row_shade_apply>even</row_shade_apply>
147          <cell_highlight>false</cell_highlight>
148          <cell_hover> </cell_hover>
149          <cell_click> </cell_click>
150          <pgStyleObject>
151             [ 'myTableData', 'height', 'auto' ]
152          </pgStyleObject>
153       </config>
155       <!--The <headings> ... </headings> section defines column headings (top fixed row of 
156           table) and data for this part of the table.-->
157       <headings class="hdr">
158          <!--HEADINGS ROW DETAILS:
159                Atrributes supported:
160                   class = class as string referenced in config section stylesheet to use for 
161                           styling entire header row
162             <col> ... </col> DEFINITIONS:
163                col = string as CDATA if using HTML tags; or simple text
164                col = string
165                col = string
166                ... last col = string
168                Attributes supported in <col ...></col> tags: (All optional)
169                   align    = string as "left", "center", or "right"
170                   class    = class as string referenced in config section stylesheet to use
171                              for styling this column heading
172                   rowspan  = (optional integer) indicates column heading should span # rows
173                   colspan  = (optional integer) indicates column heading should span # cols
175          EXAMPLE COL TAGS-->
176          <col class="inc" id="c1_myTableHdr">
177             Column 1
178          </col>
179          <col class="inc" id="c2_myTableHdr">
180             Column 2
181          </col>
182       </headings>
184       <!--The <t_data> ... </t_data> section defines the table data rows.-->
185       <t_data>
186          <!--TABLE ROW DETAILS:
187             No attributes are supported for <t_data></t_data>
188             Each sub-element or ROW of the table must be formatted as:
189                <row [attributes]>
190                   <td [attributes]>
191                      <![CDATA[
192                         [HTML or text]
193                      ]]>
194                   </td>
195                   <td [attributes]>
196                      <![CDATA[
197                         [HTML or text]
198                      ]]>
199                   </td>
200                   ... and so on for each cell in the row ...
201                </row>
202                ... and so on for each row in the table ...
204             Supported attribues for <row ... > </row> tags:
205                id    = unique id to assign to the table row
206                        Defaults to "auto" to have PowerPac auto-assign row ids
207                        Automatic row ids take the form 
208                        "row1_[dataTableContainer]", "row2_[dataTableContainer]", etc.
209                class = string as class referenced in config section stylesheet to 
210                        use to style this table row
212             Supported attributes for <td ... > </td> tags:
213                id       = unique id to assign to the table data cell
214                           If unset, no td cell events will occur and no special 
215                           styling will be applied on hover, click, etc.
216                rowspan  = (optional integer) indicates whether table data cell 
217                           should span # rows (default is 1)
218                colspan  = (optional integer) indicates whether table data cell 
219                           should span # columns (default is 1)
220                class    = string as class referenced in config section stylesheet to 
221                           use to style this table data cell
223          EXAMPLE ROWS-->
224          <row>
225             <td class="inc" id="r1c1_myTableData">
226                <![CDATA[
227                   cell data
228                ]]>
229             </td>
230             <td class="inc" id="r1c2_myTableData">
231                <![CDATA[
232                   cell data
233                ]]>
234             </td>
235          </row>
236          <row>
237             <td class="inc" id="r2c1_myTableData">
238                <![CDATA[
239                   cell data
240                ]]>
241             </td>
242             <td class="inc" id="r2c2_myTableData">
243                <![CDATA[
244                   cell data
245                ]]>
246             </td>
247          </row>
248       </t_data>
249    </table>
251 </page>